Saturday, March 3, 2012

Rainy Day

Rain, rain go away,
Come again another day.

Today is one of those days that you just want to curl up inside and watch a movie. Luckily, I am doing that very thing. So far, we've watched Friends With Benefits, and some Drangon Ball Z (not my choice but I chose the first thing, so it was only fair) and now we are watching 30 Minutes or Less.

I was cross-stitching a card for a friend, but I've run out of thread :(

This is a very short & rambling post!

I'm up to the crazy climax in 30 minutes or Less!

Okay movie is finished!

& now watching Arrested Development Season 1. Okay, this post is pretty useless!

Had a lot of fun at two 21sts last night :)

Okay better pay attention :P


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Manda is a 23 year old little girl who takes jumping photos when no one’s looking. She enjoys Anzac cookie dough way too much and wishes she could go back to the days when collecting stickers was cool. She lives in Melbourne, where not every Aussie puts a shrimp on the barbie. Read more of her words over at

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