Melbourne Week

Since I'm hanging in Melbourne most of this summer, I have decided to make the most of it! Was going to post photos but got carried away with a three hour skype convo!

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Thursday, December 22, 2011



It all started with this photo and two hours later, and over 220 comments....Doctor Who, Dr. Horrible, IT Crowd, Black Books, Firefly, Harry Potter, LOTR and more have been discussed. Rachel has yet to find out that Time Lords are from Gallifrey, but if she finds out from here - it means she never used Google so win!!!!

I better go to bed but this has got to be one of the most epic facebook photo comment thread ever!

Monday, November 14, 2011



Order new glasses yesterday - Hip Hip Hooray! I lost my glasses back when I was in London in July and it was the last day of our travels around Europe so I had to fly home without my glasses which let me tell you was NOT fun! I obviously have contacts so day-to-day it is not that big deal that I don't have them but on a 25 hour flight? Hell. I had to keep taking my contacts out of course because they hurt so much and then I would have to watch movies, usually using my laptop because then I could hold it closer to my self and there were plugs to charge it with, right up close. This is because I'm pretty blind without my glasses/contacts.
But nevermind - come next week, I will have two new pairs! YAY!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sick :(

Sick :(

I'm sick :( Means no work for me today - staying at home :(

Saturday, November 12, 2011



My recent obsession, shared with Emma, is stop motion videos. This is one of the few that I have made and I'm very proud of them :) This one was made to thank my friends for making videos for me for my 21st birthday. Our song is the one used :)

Friday, November 11, 2011

At long last

At long last

After a long week of lots of work, I have a little break to my self, though I have work this afternoon so it's not too long. Last night went out for a friends birthday - although out is an exaggeration as we stayed at hers and drank out on the balcony - was lovely fun :) I gave her the nail polish I mentioned in the last post!
I haven't yet uploaded My Summer Bucket List, but I have started to complete it. So far I have seen a pieec of the theatre already this summer. I saw Love Never Dies - the sequel to Phantom of the Opera. It was FANTASTIC! As a theatre student, I love the 'Wow' factor and this production had it in millions. The lights and the set design were jaw dropping. I could have stared at them all day!

The other thing I have completed on my list is to read a book. The first book of the Summer was: What Happened to Goodbye by Sarah Dessen. She is one of my favourite YA (young adult) authors and this book did not disappoint. Wasn't a new favourite - I own all of them but I would place in my top few (it would probably be about 6). As a kid who went to 6 different schools and grew up in 4 different countries, I loved the idea of how she reinvented herself each time. I admit, I was still pretty much the same person in each place. But who ever you are with does shape your personality and because I am obsessed with names, I like how each name she embodied carried a different personality. A name is so much more than just that. It becomes part of your personality and carries its own connotations. Naming a child is perhaps the biggest responsibility that new parents are given, other than looking after a newborn infant :P Another thing I love about her books is how characters cross over. In the new book, there were characters from Along for the Ride, Truth About Forever and Keeping the Moon.

I also adore these new covers that are being released in Australia. But they did look better when the background was black so I hope they revert them! I love the little doodles and the text interspersed within them. It is definitely extremely unique. As you will see below, I love interesting covers!

If you are interested her books, my favourites are as follows:

1. This Lullaby
I think this one will always be my favourite. It was the first book I read by Sarah and it was just like falling in love reading this book. I've read it several times since then, but not in awhile - but this post is making me want to pick it up again! For me, the characters were so realistic. Remy, her family and Dexter all came to life for me. I also ADORE the cover of this image. I know you aren't supposed to judge a book by its cover, but as a lover of cool, original and interesting design, this one never fails to catch my attention.

2. Lock and Key
The reason why I loved this one because it was so different to her others. It also fueled my obsession with key necklaces.

3. Truth about Forever

This was, I think, the second book I read by Sarah, right after This Lullaby and it was this one that made want/need to own all of her books! This is because This Lullaby could have been fluke but this one cemented, to me at least, that here was a great female writer that understands teenage girls. I started reading these books when I was about 16 - so about same age as a lot of the narrators and for the first time I felt like there were fully realised characters that had characteristics similar to me. My only gripe with all these books that it seems that all the girls need a guy to help them out and as I was very a non-boy-crazy girl in High School, that annoyed me. What Happened to Goodbye actually handled this fairly well, maybe better than others. But this is a little review of The Truth About Forever :P But what Sarah does is that she writes such endearing guys that I can't help but fall in love with them and therefore I believe in her stories. And this is what happened in this book :) The tagline on all her books now is - Read her once and fall in love - I definitely did this!

4. Along for the Ride

I loved the symbolism in this book and about returning to childhood, or rather the lack of having one. I read this book around when I was about to turn 20 and I loved the ideas in it about this. Also, I kinda like bikes!

5. Keeping the Moon

This is an older classic one of Sarah's and I like it because once again her characters are so realistic! I haven't read this one in awhile so I don't remember specifics, but I do remember the detail and how fully realised her heroines are.

I better go get ready for work now! Hope you enjoyed the post!

Monday, November 7, 2011

This week, my nails are....

This week, my nails are....

Covered in glitter/diamonds!

It looks like there are little jewels on my finger. It's from the Muppets line of OPI nail polishes. It is absolutely BEAUTIFUL. Most unique nail polish I have ever used. Even better when I covered them in top coat polish.

Up until about 3 or 4 months ago, I wasn't interested in nail polish at all - I found it annoying to keep painting it on, only for it to chip off. Emma, my sister, has always been obsessed though, so we have a decent collection. But I have changed my mind! It started when I came back from being in Spain for a week and came back to my apartment in Lyon, France and I just felt like a lazy evening. So I celebrated it with Chicken Caeser Salad, Gossip Girl and pink nail polish:
You can see my toes painted, my laptop and my green chair in my old apartment - I miss my apartment! But ever since then, I've been obsessed. Which has fueled Emma's obsession - to the point where she has a couple shatters, some more OPIs and she just bought 4 from Butter. So much love.

So that's this week's nails!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Currently I am...

Currently I am...

Laughing at this image!!!!
 & Watching Bridesmaids!

Summer is in the breeze!

Summer is in the breeze!

Although it isn't technically Summer for another month here (Southern Hemisphere and all), today was a beautiful 30 degrees Celscius! Yesterday was my last day of exams so I feel like the sun came out just for me! The day was spent with my mum doing a little bit of shopping and visiting two coffee shops - my dog, Harry, was lucky enough to come to one with us as well. But the best part of the day? Swimming in my pool this afternoon! First time in the pool for this year. The photo above is my Jellies by the pool earlier in the day - I love my red toe nail polish! I bought those shoes for .50 euro cents in France earlier this year - one of the best bargains ever, especially since only the day before I had looked online to find them! So I wore them today in honour of the sunshine!

The other highlights of the day were playing ball with Elle (as usual). Below is her face as she is staring at the ball in my hand while I take the picture. She is begging me to throw it with those beautiful brown eyes. While I write this post, she is curled up next to me....asleep!

I will end the post with my favourite photo of the day - Harry at his beach resort/aka our backyard! But doesn't he look like he belongs by a hotel pool?

Currently I am...

Currently I am...

Obsessed with this video and the song:
As a recent enthusiast of stop motion (what is used to make this video - the process of taking lots of pictures and putting them together to make it look like a video), I can't stop watching the video, nor can I stop listening to the song (definitely my new favorite song). Some time soon, I will post my own stop motion videos, but right now, this AMAZING feat of artistic creation should be admired!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Cozy Corner

Cozy Corner

Starting blogging again, but this time, I'm moving forward from a travel blog exclusively (for when I lived in France for 6 months earlier this year) and from a diary-esque blog, to a wider-reaching one (I hope anyway!)

The name comes from a 'Cozy Corner' in a pub I went to with two of my best friends and so I wanted to name it after a shared memory with them, and who doesn't love a Cozy Corner?

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Manda is a 23 year old little girl who takes jumping photos when no one’s looking. She enjoys Anzac cookie dough way too much and wishes she could go back to the days when collecting stickers was cool. She lives in Melbourne, where not every Aussie puts a shrimp on the barbie. Read more of her words over at

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