Friday, November 4, 2011

Cozy Corner

Starting blogging again, but this time, I'm moving forward from a travel blog exclusively (for when I lived in France for 6 months earlier this year) and from a diary-esque blog, to a wider-reaching one (I hope anyway!)

The name comes from a 'Cozy Corner' in a pub I went to with two of my best friends and so I wanted to name it after a shared memory with them, and who doesn't love a Cozy Corner?


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About Me

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Manda is a 23 year old little girl who takes jumping photos when no one’s looking. She enjoys Anzac cookie dough way too much and wishes she could go back to the days when collecting stickers was cool. She lives in Melbourne, where not every Aussie puts a shrimp on the barbie. Read more of her words over at

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