Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Adventures of Miss Moo

I've decided to call my self Miss Moo on this blog :) While this blog is a little like a diary for myself, I would love it if a few people started reading it. When I was away, I loved having everyone read my travel entries so I want to try and formalize this blog, though I'm still learning.

Like I've said before, I have several different creative hobbies but the top three are Photography, Cross-Stitching and Stop-Motion. I am also interested in Publishing and all the facets of that. My other huge interest is Harry Potter, especially this year as I will be spending the year writing a 15,000-18,000 word thesis about the series! Plus, I kinda like food, both making it and enjoying it. So I want this blog, my blog, to be a celebration of these, as well as my daily things :)

I want to try and blog at least once a week so as to practice writing. I was cleaning out my old boxes of memories today and stumbled across so many little tidbits of stories I've started over the years. I wish I could have something come of them!

I hope someone reads this, but even if not - I'll enjoy reading my rambles!

Miss Moo

P.s. Why Miss Moo you may ask? My Dad has always called me Manda Moo or just Moo and now it's caught on in my family and with my boyfriend. So I decided to add the Miss Moo :)

P.p.s.s. I went for a bike ride today with Rachel! Was a lovely way to spend the day, especially when we had to have lollies because I felt faint! Or when we stopped to have a look at the cutest shop! And to top it off we had a macaron and milkshake in Mailing Road :) and we also ran into my grandparents which was a lovely surprise! The picture is us at our lollie stop :)


at: March 6, 2012 at 5:29 PM said...

Bike ride was very much fun! Lollies, macaroon and milkshake were all yummmmmmmmm!!! Hope your legs aren't killing you today :P Mine were better than expected though soccer tonight might hurt my hamstrings! Anyway, we'll go bike riding soon, maybe this time you should take me around your... "hood" instead :P Just so I won't make you do an extra big loop! Hahhaa

Your husband :D
at: March 7, 2012 at 5:48 PM said...

Awwwwwww love the pictures dude! Althugh I myself am not a fan of licorish sticks right? I can't believe your writing a thesis on HP! I couldnt have thought of a more suitable person, and an expert also ;D Keep writing dude I love reading your adventures hehe. Much loveeeee :D

Manda♥ says:
at: March 8, 2012 at 2:29 AM said...

I'm assuming this is Danaya? :P They weren't licorice sticks- they were lolly snakes <3 loveee you!

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Manda is a 23 year old little girl who takes jumping photos when no one’s looking. She enjoys Anzac cookie dough way too much and wishes she could go back to the days when collecting stickers was cool. She lives in Melbourne, where not every Aussie puts a shrimp on the barbie. Read more of her words over at http://www.amandasummons.com/blog

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