Monday, March 12, 2012


The underneath of the Big Top

Enjoyed a spectactularly well rounded day :)
My Beautiful City

The day started early (well early for me) because Mum & I decided to
go into town to the Moomba festival! The train was packed because it
was a beautiful public holiday & everyone & their kid wanted to enjoy
it. Was entertained by the most gorgeous little girl on the train who
kept telling me which was the next station. Once we got into the city,
we realised just how many people were in town! We went to go see the
parade floats which were magnificent and very different - ranging from
the Magic Pudding

To whimsical cakes

Flower covered tractors

There were even people dressed as food!

We spotted the King of the festival - Harry Kewell which was cool but
way too many people around so moved on
You can just see him in the center at the bottom

Saw some national costumes

Latin America

Papa New Guinea

Then it was off to the carnival!

It was very child friendly :)

While I didn't go on any ride as the lines were too long, I did play
one carnival game - I tried to win a spongebob, but got a little
nemo-lookalike instead :)

We then went and watched the Moomba Masters- the waterskiing
championship! Enjoyed watching the girls Salom race & saw the winning

Enjoyed getting all the splash photos.

After this, mum and I went back into the city for lunch. We had crepes
in degraves street.

First course: Peking Duck Crepe

Second Course: Sticky Date Crepe


Mum & I bid adieu then and I wandered the streets up to the State Library. I spied a few of the graffiti Em and I spotted last year. My favourite was still there :)

Though these two were very cool too
After I went to study in the State Library of Victoria. After being a good student for a few hours, I met Caroline for a chat in the sun on the grass in front of the State Library then
I showed her how beautiful it is inside!

Best Friends
Study Buddy

We had dinner at Shanghai Village in Chinatown which I love so much.
They have my favourite vegetarian dumplings & pumpkin pastries

1 of 16 Vegetarian Dumplings! This was the other night with other friends :)

I headed home after this but to cap the night off, we went to a nearby
shopping centre to watch the fireworks from the city. The photos
didn't turn out great in a traditional sense but I do love the bokeh
effect that I created :P

The night was finished off with Miss Lou & I dancing in the
supermarket aisles to Born This Way while we bought ice cream!

Look out for a post soon about my Knit Relief auction item and my
article in Lot's Wife :)

Love Miss Moo


at: March 12, 2012 at 5:42 AM said...

Moomba looks awesome! I should go next year! :) Apparently they have fireworks at night too? The magic pudding looks so cute and the whimsical cakes too!!! Flower tractor looks awesome and food people look..yum? :P Although they don't look as tasty as the crepes! Heehee!

Anyway, just thought I would leave a love note to say hello! Ps: I've never been inside the state library, just the outside only! But shhhh there are certain people who should never find out because I will be judged :P

Alrighty, adios amigos! Keep the photos and updates rolling, I love reading them! :) xxxx

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Manda is a 23 year old little girl who takes jumping photos when no one’s looking. She enjoys Anzac cookie dough way too much and wishes she could go back to the days when collecting stickers was cool. She lives in Melbourne, where not every Aussie puts a shrimp on the barbie. Read more of her words over at

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