Monday, March 26, 2012

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

Okay this isn't a post about a yummy Chicken Dinner but it is still about winning!

My Mr Men & Little Miss Cross Stitching project raised 21 pounds for Sport Relief! Yay!!!!! I also purchased something very pretty:
It is a beautiful flower brooch that was handmade with Cath Kidston and Laura Ashley fabrics by a lady called Louise Howe. I bought it for 26 pounds, which is roughly $40 Aussie dollars.

Cannot wait to get in the mail!

In the meantime, these are the things I'm loving online at the moment:

I found this website last night and am already in love with several dresses and a bag!

2.) Instagram

So I don't have an iPhone - shock horror :P - but I have an iPod Touch and I'm loving messing around with Instagram!

Here are my shots:

3.) Draw Something! 
So I know everyone and everyone and their mother are playing this right now but I'm obsessed right now.

Sadly not my drawing :)

4.) 52 Suburbs Around the World
I love my travel blogs that I follow and this mixes my favourite things together - Photography and Travel!
Here is the description by the author/photographer:
I’m Louise Hawson and in 2012, I’m going to explore and photograph the ‘unfamous’ side of some of the world’s most famous cities – their suburbs – and share what I discover in weekly posts on this blog. My eight year old daughter, Coco, will be coming along for the ride, as will you I hope, in a virtual, vicarious kind of way.

5.) Hunger Games!
I saw the movie yesterday and I really liked it. I'm not one for writing movie reviews, or reading them for that matter. But I really like the subtle touches, such as Prim tucking in her duck tail when her name is drawn at the reaping. It was a very well made movie, so I believe it stands on it's own, seperate from the book series.
I am a relative new comer to the series - having only read the books this past January, so even though the events of the books were fresh in my memory, there were not many major parts I felt that were left out of the movie.
You should go see the movie if you like movies and/or if you like the books :)



at: March 26, 2012 at 7:43 AM said...

Woooo! Well done for the 21 pounds ;) Which character did the winning bidder choose? Also, GORGEOUS DRESSES!!! I've just been on the website and there are too many things I want, but not enough money in the bank account now either so I shut the page :( But so pretty! I love instagram, LOVE draw something and LOVEDDDDDD THE HUNGER GAMES SO MUCH I THINK I WILL PAY TO WATCH IT A 2ND TIME! love xx

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Manda is a 23 year old little girl who takes jumping photos when no one’s looking. She enjoys Anzac cookie dough way too much and wishes she could go back to the days when collecting stickers was cool. She lives in Melbourne, where not every Aussie puts a shrimp on the barbie. Read more of her words over at

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